Practical Squatters Network - Squatting in London

The Practical Squatters Network presents a discussion about the current state of squatting in London in 2024, its role in housing and in anarchist organising, and how the PSN is restructuring to make its monthly workshops more useful and accessible. This workshop at the anarchist bookfair is a call out to those who are squatting, to those to are looking to squat, but also those who aren't squatting or no longer squat but wish to offer their support. If you're squatting, brings your ideas, share your ongoing projects, let people know that things aren't as dead as they might seem from the outside. On that note we often hear of people dreaming of a return to squatting, the good old days etc. Times have changed and things are different. But things are still possible and are still happening, and we want to discuss with you how you can participate in any capacity. Please come along, to share your experiences, but also to listen how you can engage and support current squats. For those that are new to squatting or want to learn more about the law and the basics, a simultaneous Practical Squatters session will take place in the same venue, so come along and gain some insight into the act of trespass.

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